I Want Answers Application

IWA---Logo---Print---NoBGThank you for your interest in appearing on I Want Answers!  I Want Answers is a high school academic team competition game show, broadcast on RSU Public TV. The competition is a 16 school single elimination tournament. Teams of 4 students compete for scholarship prizes. Students on the winning team and second place team both receive scholarship prizes. The show is recorded each fall beginning in September and airs from October-January on RSU Public TV.

The Application window for Season 15 (2025-2026 School Year) is NOW OPEN through April 18th!

All 4A and smaller schools in eastern Oklahoma are eligible to apply.

Please note that by applying, you agree to make sure that your team can be present for the competitions that will take place on weekday afternoons at Rogers State University’s Claremore, OK campus in the RSU Public TV studio. If your team advances to the finals, they will appear four times on the show, which will require four separate trips to Claremore. We ask that you please confirm that your school has resources necessary to commit to the show appearances before applying. Teams that are not able to appear at their scheduled time, may be forced to forfeit their game. Any student that has been awarded an I Want Answers scholarship in the past is not eligible to compete again.

    School Name (required)

    Contact name (required)

    Contact Email (required)

    Has your school competed on I Want Answers in the past?

    If so, which years?

    Any additional information you would like to share about your team: