Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – Feel Good
The big annual Oklahoma City rodeo is underway again and it appears this year, as in years past they’ve started with the calf riding. I’m talking about the Legislature of course. Over two thousand bills facing lawmakers and they start right off the top with things that will get them the most publicity rather than work that will benefit the state. Abortion and billboards that advertise marijuana outlets for example. Both will be challenged in court meaning you and me and everybody else will be paying attorney fees so those behind the bills can cater to those what brung them to the dance. I look for a move to get prayer back in school, which was never removed in the first place, regardless of what some will tell you. That’s right, children are allowed to pray in school. Check it out, you’ll find I’m right. That will be another lawsuit.
Just like the lawsuit we are paying for, between the Governor and the Indian Tribes. Instead of passing what many call ‘feel good’ legislation, why not take on legislation that will do us all some good. How about ending taxpayer money to private schools and direct those dollars to public education? How about figuring out a way to feed the hungry, or the homeless to be sheltered and those living outside our borders making money off of the state to pay their fair share in taxes? That last one would mean they would have to stand up to the folks who come here looking for oil and make money off Oklahoma in the process. That money could be kept here along with much more. How you ask? Simple. You see we have a genus of a man living here that has given so much to the area and he went public with a list of things lawmakers could do that would bring in a great deal of money. His name is George Kaiser, the same George Kaiser responsible for the gift of the Gathering Place to the city of Tulsa.
Of course, lawmakers ignored his list saying they wouldn’t come here to drill for oil. Mr. Kaiser pointed out they will go where the oil is to drill, but that fell on deaf ears. Amazing. So, when I hear them whine about needing more money for the state, I have to wonder why they won’t take the advice of someone who knows what he is talking about. Instead we get feel good legislation that will cost all of us in court. Sort of makes you wonder, who brung this bunch to the party and who are they dancing with. I’m Sam Jones and that’s my perspective.