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Guests:  Kristina Kiehl, Producer, The Cherokee Word for Water

Charlie Soap, Producer, The Cherokee Word for Water

Wilma Pearl Mankiller was the first female chief of the Cherokee Nation. She served as principal chief for ten years from 1985 to 1995.  Her life would seem to be a constant battle for a better life for her people, and against opposition, bigotry, and even her own body.  She survived a number of cancers, a couple of kidney transplants, and myasthenia gravis.  When asked how she could remain such a positive person, she replied, “I am Cherokee, and I am a woman. No one knows better than I that every day is indeed a good day.”

When it was time to tell her story, an amazing group of artists came together to tell her story, in the film, The Cherokee Word for Water.  Kristina Kiehl & Charlie Soap tell us about the film, and about the woman whose life inspired it.

GC Perspectives Season 8 Episode 19