Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – The Deadline

I’m Sam Jones.    

With the taping of today’s show, another  season of Perspectives comes to an end.  Graduation time is here and the seniors at Rogers State University will receive their hard earned diplomas and say good by.  Many will start work on advanced degrees and be able to do so because of the solid foundation they received on this campus.  As we wish them the best, like other educational institutions, we now are now facing cuts that may well impact the school in ways never imagined.  

I won’t know until later this summer, if my role will be eliminated because of budget cuts.  But I can tell you that my association with this school has resulted in some of the best years of my life.  My chance to work with young men and women working toward a career in communication.  If it ends, I have nothing to say but positive things about this school and the people who run it. But Rogers State is no different from any other public school in Oklahoma when it comes to budget cuts this day and age.  And right now, all are at risk.   Other than some monies split between education and prisons a while back, little has been done to support education.   

Public schools, long the target of the tea party and many others in the legislature, are planning drastic cutbacks in the face of still more cuts based on budget projections.  A penny tax plan supported by OU President David Boren will help if passed but chances are, if it does pass, the legislature will follow with cuts to education that match whatever monies are raised.  We are facing dark days for education and what is being done?  Well if the legislature has its way, Oklahomans may soon be able to buy a gun and carry it openly, without any permit or training.  That ought to give a whole new meaning to road rage. 

Also the public restroom issue is being addressed which is a big relief to me because under that  discriminatory measure that will surely end up in court, I’ll finally have the chance to carry my birth certificate and flash it at the bathroom police waiting by the door. 

Lets see, am I forgetting anything?  Oh yes, the Scenic River program is on the cutting board which will bring relief to folks in Arkansas  who enjoy dumping stuff into the Illinois river.    Still no talk of economic diversification.  

Another little news item of interest,…  It has been suggested that Donald Trump take a look at Governor Mary Fallen as a Vice Presidential choice.  They both like the idea.  That’s an interesting pairing. 

And one little lawmaker, Representative Doug Cox, a Republican recently indicated his sensitivity of voter issues when he said this about poor children in public schools:  “Programs to feed children at public schools are letting parents off the hook for their responsibilities”.    Suppose he knows about the thousands of children that come to school each day hungry and that qualify for free lunches?   

Well there is one possible bright spot on the horizon.  A record number of Oklahomans filed to run for the legislature and most of them have ties to education.  This could get interesting.  Especially if voters pay attention.  The very idea that we could have a legislature made up of educated members who understand the importance of public education and its impact on the state is incredible.  And they wouldn’t be there just to get re-elected every year.   

Meanwhile, time marches on as we all get ready for more budget cuts. 

That’s my Perspective.