Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – We’ve Been Here Before
The election is behind us now and the people have spoken. Another chapter in American history is about to be written. In Congress, the Democrats are saying, “Oh Lord, what have we done?” while the Republicans are saying, “Oh Lord, what have we done?” Now I’m not smart enough to sort it all out but it appears to me we are headed down a road less traveled, but traveled before none the less. In Oklahoma the Governor, at least one Congressman and the outgoing mayor of Tulsa, have jumped in with public statements indicating their willingness to change jobs and go to work in the new administration. That list will grow. Meanwhile, the just ended scorched earth campaign has left a number of people and agencies concerned about their futures.
The Environmental Protection Agency is one, the Department of Education is another. There are others.Public Broadcasting is not a favorite child of the incoming administration. Too many facts I suppose that could cause the electorate to think. But the nation’s newspapers and television networks could well be first in the cross hairs. Especially those who didn’t support the winner of the Presidential election and of course reporters who raised an eyebrow at the wrong point in story coverage. Already there is talk of making it easier to sue some members of the fourth estate for slander and to press for the removal of various reporters and writers from the national scene.
Its interesting those sorts of threats didn’t come for the fair and balanced folks during past administrations. And of course there wasn’t a move to pin a medal on any of them either. Why? Because we have a little something in this country called Freedom of the Press. But news coverage has changed over the years and not always for the better.
Many years ago, Humphrey Bogart starred in a movie by the name of “Deadline – U.S.A.” He played the role of Ed Hutcheson, editor in chief of a once proud newspaper facing the end. It was being sold to a group known for what’s called yellow journalism. A tabloid operation.
Toward the end of the movie Hutcheson aka Humphrey Bogart gave this short but pointed speech:
“Its not enough any more to give ‘em just news. They want comics, contests, puzzles. They want to know how to bake a cake, win friends and influence the future. Ergo, horoscopes, tips on the horses, interpretation of dreams so they can win on the numbers lottery. And,… If they accidentally stumble on the first page,…. news!”
Chilling isn’t it. We’ve been headed down this road for years and when serious reporters and writers step up and do their job,… well,… they face heavy pressure and threats. So I’m asking, what do you want,… truth and facts or the logo ‘fair and balanced’?
With truth and facts there is gonna be light in darkened corners where shady deals are made. With ‘fair and balanced’ you are spoon fed opinions under the banner of news. You are going to have to decide whether or not you want to keep a free and open press.
And to those who would make that decision, on both sides of the congressional aisle, asking yourself “Oh Lord, what have we done”, I ask you the same thing Senator Eugene McCarthy was asked toward the end of his Witch Hunt hearings,… “Have you no shame?”
And that’s my Perspective.