Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – The Road
Hello, I’m Sam Jones.
At any given time, millions of Americans are taking advantage of the 41-thousand miles of Interstate highways. Republican President Dwight Eisenhower gets the credit for this massive public works program. For some travelers, its transportation of goods that we’ll buy. For others, well,… its just a faster and safer way to get somewhere. To be sure, its an important system of roads, but we miss a lot of America as we zip along at 75-miles an hour, and there is a lot waiting to be seen. Before the big double lane Interstate system, car and truck travel was along two lane paved strips, not always the safest way to travel, but you had time to enjoy the beauty of the country. Small towns and farmlands and tourist stops and friendly people. Two lane travel was important too for a growing country such as ours. Unpaved roads were first to run along side crops or cattle. In fact, they’re still out there, waiting to take you back in time. A little slower perhaps. You can sometimes see them as you whip along the Interstate system. And yes, those unpaved roads are still important. Still out there too are little unpaved roads that usually go off into the woods leaving you to wonder what’s waiting at the other end.
Usually, the devils rope lines the fence along these mysterious roads,… forever reminding us that contrary to Woody Guthy’s song, “This Land Is Your Land”, someone is saying “No, this land has been tamed. This land is my land.” But are these little roads important?
“This road’s important,… it’s my way home.” Poet Robert Frost might call it The Road Less Traveled. But Wess and old Duke call it, the road home. That makes it important too.
And that’s my perspective.