Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – Las Vegas
You already know what happened in Law Vegas, 59 dead including the gunman, hundreds wounded in the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Its been covered by the media from just about all angles,… except for one. There was something you didn’t hear about. Even before all of the families of the victims were notified, the big, powerful gun lobby was gearing up on capitol hill. They really didn’t have to do much, just remind everyone who brought them to the dance and that you have to dance with “those what brung you”.
In other words, as far as the country is concerned, the 2nd Amendment isn’t to be tampered with. That’s because the founding fathers in all their wisdom wanted those who could afford them to have access to as many fully automatic and semi automatic guns as possible.
After all, as our new Secretary of Education reminds us, you never know when a wild bear will invade our classrooms. And too, the big gun lobby is really good at selling fear. While that little bit of marketing is in control, let me point out a few gun facts. CBS News says there have been more than 1000 mass shootings since Sandy Hook took place December 14th, 2012. 93-people are killed by guns every day in this country.
The shooter in Las Vegas had 60 of the 100-round magazines in his hotel room. Also, in the past 11-months, he had bought 33-firearms. And when you bring up the possibility of any sort of discussion dealing with gun legislation with members of controlling party they say, “Now is not the time. Now is not the time. Now is not the time.”
My question is… When is the time?