Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – A Helping Hand
Hello, I’m Sam Jones.
Thanksgiving is over and I truly hope yours was a good one. Now we face Christmas and the competition is on for buying stuff. And we do buy a lot of stuff in this country. At least, those who can afford to, will buy a lot of stuff. Not all of us can. In fact, some of us will go to bed tonight and go to school tomorrow morning hungry. Now I’m not trying to hit you with a guilt trip or a downer in any way, just a gentle reminder. Every one of us can do something, even if it’s a very small something, to ease the burden of our brothers and sisters who are on hard times. Not just this time of year, but all year round.
The reverend Jesse Jackson says you can’t get into Heaven without a permission slip from the poor… and that your life should be evaluated by what you did for those who had less than you. Pretty strong stuff. I’ve been thinking about that lately and wondering who am I to tell you to find a way to help. I’m not a rich man but my family has always tried to be involved in extending a helping hand whenever possible and there are so many ways to do that. I firmly believe that you can’t really help unless you have felt hard times yourself. I have, and I know many of you have as well. And we won’t ever forget those times. The memories are with me still and like you, I expect I’ll carry them to my grave.
Just about all of us are familiar with the Biblical story of the widow’s mite. According to the story, Jesus was watching people putting money into the temple treasury. The rich put in large sums but there was a catch. They had not come close to I’ve to the level of a widow’s sacrifice. She put in two small copper coins, mites, the smallest Roman coin, which total about a penny. Jesus said that she had given more than anyone that day. How could that be? Well his point was simple. The rich were giving large sums but not enough to damage their fortunes. On top of that, the religious officials of the day, instead of helping the widows in need, were perfectly content to rob them of their livelihood and inheritance. But the widow put in all she had to live on. The system, in other words, was crooked. I’ve been blessed with just a tiny bit of talent, just a tiny bit. I tell my wife that I’m charmingly articulate. She says, “Fine. Take out the garbage and talk to it.”
Now I’m not qualified to preach, but I can offer some suggestions from my little bully pulpit here at RSU TV. Take a minute where you live, look around. An old coat you don’t wear anymore, a pair of gloves, a sweater. Somebody begging for money you buy them a gift card for lunch at a nearby fast food place and buy them in advance. A few coins in the Salvation Army pot, a gently worn blanket, some white socks or maybe something as simple as coffee, a donut and a chance to talk. It could make a difference in the lives of the needy just to know someone cares. Or if you can, make the time to help serve a hot meal at one of the local shelters. Remember that permission slip Jesse Jackson talked about? We’re all gonna need one and what better way to earn it than by helping a brother or sister or a child in need. Give it some thought.
And that’s my Perspective.