Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – What in the World?

Hello, I’m Sam Jones. What in the world is happening to our hard working politicians? You know, the folks who all say they are outsiders and want to drain the swamp and return us to greatness. I’m not talking about the current occupant of the West Wing. I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions there. No, I’m talking about the smaller fish in the leaking barrel.
For example, Democrat Tom Stites from Sallisaw, trying to get his hands on an eastern Oklahoma House seat, has challenged his Republican opponent, Jim Olsen to meet his at a gun range so they can have a shootout, using paper targets of course. At issue? Well sir, Stites says Olsen is using the Second Amendment for politics and that his opponent was born and raised in New York and moved here eight years ago and we need to know if he really knows guns. Olsen on the other hand says “We are not running to be the sniper of Sequoyah County, but we are running for state representative” and, he points out that he’s been endorsed by the Second Amendment Association. A shoot out? In the contest for 2nd district representative?
Well at least Mr. Stites wants to use paper targets. He didn’t say anything about the state financial crisis or overcrowded schools or teachers shortages or hungry children or how to fix a number of other problems facing our state. Sequoyah County? Isn’t that Pretty Boy Floyd country?
Meanwhile out in Arizona, six siblings of Republican Congressman Paul Gosar, are appearing in an ad for his rival, Democrat David Brill, asking voters to vote Gosar out of office because they say he has broken with the family’s values. They didn’t say what those values are. Calls to Gosar’s offices in Washington and Arizona aren’t being returned. I’ll bet.
By the way, The Wesleyan University Media Project, which tracks political television advertising says, says 2.2 million television ads, costing $1-billion dollars in air time have already aired this election cycle for races involving Congress and governorships.
Just wait till they get their hands on your taxes.
With all this strangeness going, I’m reminded of what Will Rogers said back on March 13th, 1932, quote “Dave Ingalls is running for the governorship of Ohio. He didn’t act like a real candidate to me, he was so complimentary about his Democratic opponent.”
Lots of strangeness, and humor too! And that’s my perspective.