Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – Here We Go Again
Hello, I’m Sam Jones.
By now you know, state lawmakers have been called into special session to fix a budget hole the governor knew was coming years ago. So did a number of state senators and representatives. How did they know? Cause for years, they gave away the farm with tax cuts and breaks to big energy.
I heard the other day, that one of the candidates for Governor is saying third graders must be able to read at a third grade level to be promoted. He also said the same should be true of math. This same fella is also saying he hasn’t been convinced that state government needs more money.
These wise observations are coming from Republican Lt. Governor Todd Lamb. Guess he hasn’t been told about the very deep financial hole that has essentially brought Oklahoma to its knees. Guess he hasn’t heard about the cuts to education that are so severe every district in the state is facing major problems. Oh, and while I’m on the subject, Republican Representative Mike Rogers is saying school funding shortfalls are fake news. Rogers just happens to be the chairman of the state House common education committee. The sad part of this is, both will probably be supported at the ballot box.
The problem with that is we don’t need legislative gimmicks or another shell game which has been going on for years. Suppose Mr. Lamb or Mr. Rogers might address that? I doubt it.
One Tulsa resident who in my opinion has given this city and state more I have time to list today says there is a way out of the financial mess we are facing. George Kaiser wrote an opinion piece in the Tulsa World last May that pointed out many areas that need action and how to go about it. He listed a series of myths that the Legislature seems to be enjoying. (My word not his). Myth #1,… we are a high tax state. Myth #2,… low taxes generate economic development and prosperity. Myth #3,… our budget can be balanced by eliminating waste. Myth #4,… our budget collapse resulted from the decline in energy prices. Myth 5,… if we restore energy taxes to historic levels, companies will move their drilling to lower tax states. Myth #6,… the energy industry already pays more than its fair share of taxes. Myth #7,… the low gross production tax rate benefits Oklahoma royalty owners and producers.
Now hold on to your hat,…
Mr. Kaiser points out that over 70% of the benefit goes to out-of-state shareholders of publicly held companies at the expense of Oklahoma taxpayers. Myth #8,… the Legislature is united in support of the low tax ideology. Again another Myth. Mr. Kaiser says the general public knows that we need to save our schools, hospitals and roads, stem the migration of our kids and attract businesses looking for a place that is safe and invests in education and infrastructure. Freshman and female legislators and a majority of the rank and file understand that. Our legislative leadership should listen to the wisdom of the people of Oklahoma. I agree. You see, my opinion now, Outside special interests are controlling Oklahoma’s future and laughing at all those dumb Oakies.
I truly wish Oklahomans with the character and vision of Mr. Kaiser would run for and be elected to office. I understand why they don’t but wouldn’t it be something if they did?
As for Mr. Lamb and Mr. Rogers, I think Will Rogers said it best,…“If stupidity got us in this mess, how come it can’t get us out.”
And it’s me sayin,… here we go again.
And that’s my perspective.