Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – Good
It occurred to me the other day that I’m in a rather unique position at Rogers State Public Television. What I do here isn’t really being done to the extent that you see, on the commercial t.v. stations. They cover the news of the day, which is important, but too much of it can turn your stomach if that’s all you see. Oh there is a little coverage of what’s called public affairs, things going on in the area. But actually very little to do with the good in people. That’s not a criticism my friend, but it is what it is. In my position I can and do take politicians to task, and while I try not to pick on one side all the time, I have to admit I am a bit heavy on those in a position to help, who ignore unfulfilled needs. With that in mind I thought it might be a nice change to talk about the good in people, and believe it or not, there is a lot out there. And there are a lot of people it seems who would like to extend a helping hand, but they don’t know where to start. Now I not preaching about the need for the almighty dollar, I’m just saying there are needs out there that can be addressed that don’t require a lot of money. For example, if you ask any Doctor or nurse, they will tell you there are folks who come to the hospital because of illness or injury, who never have a visitor or a get-well card or a flower in their room. No one comes by just to listen to their fears or concerns. Maybe, if you have extra time, you could help there. Talk to your church or synagogue or mosque. Don’t belong to one, call the hospital and ask about becoming a volunteer. You’d be amazed at the needs you could fill and that lonely person in a hospital bed would be left with a bright spot because of the good that you did.
There are of course many ways to spread a little good if you have some time on your hands. The Food Bank of Northeast Oklahoma is always in need of volunteers. So is Good Will, or the Salvation Army or the Red Cross.
I’ll bet you haven’t thought about it, but there are elderly people out there, living alone with no family or friends to talk to. See what I’m getting at? There are plenty of needs you could fill and make a serious difference in someone’s life. Because they would know someone cared enough to come by or call. There are also reading programs for children and the elderly.
There’s always a need for a warm blanket or coat or any extra clothing you don’t use. A gift card from Wal-Mart or Cos Co. Doesn’t have to be a lot, 5 or 10 bucks can go a long way if you don’t have anything. Senior Services of Tulsa can help point you in the right direction if need be.
Remember when George H. W. Bush made his acceptance speech for the nomination for President? He referred to the 1-thousand points of light that symbolized America’s diversity. That slogan caught on and we defined a new kind of volunteerism that called on people to give their time, talents, voices and resources in services to build a brighter future for us all. I’m not saying volunteerism would solve the problems in this nation that’s so divided. I am saying it wouldn’t hurt to reach out when you can. Who knows, you might become one of those points of light along a pathway we all should walk.
I’m Sam Jones and that’s my perspective.