Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – Guns
The State of Oklahoma took a step backward recently when it became official, just about anyone can carry a gun. The new law went into effect just in time for the holidays so now if you get a new Glock .40 for Christmas, and you don’t have a record and you don’t have any training, you can carry that sucker just about anywhere. Sort of makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside doesn’t it, that the long tentacles of the NRA which appealed to the lowest common dominators in the state legislature won a big one. Course the NRA won’ t be attending any gun related funerals in Oklahoma, they got their nickle and moved on. Civil discourse be damned, lots of folks won’t be stepping up to disagree with anything out of fear. Sort of interesting, cause fear is what got us here in the first place. The legislation was sold on fear.
“They is gonna rob you, take all you got at gunpoint.” “The bad guys are packing heat, why shouldn’t I.” Now last I heard, we are a nation of laws which is why this law bothers me so much. One side saying the Constitution says it’s OK for me to own and carry guns and doesn’t say anything about training or common sense. Other side saying “Well I don’t know anything about guns but now I got to worry not only about the bad guys with guns but the good guys that don’t have any training.” It’s a real mess. And let me point out a little something that hasn’t been talked about all that much. if a bad guy pulls a gun on you and demands your money, he already has his gun in his hand aimed at you. If you reach for a gun somebody is going to die and chances are it won’t be the bad guy. If, however, you manage to get your gun out of your holster or purse before he pulls his trigger somebody is still going to die. Wanna bet who will be on the ground when the shooting stops?
Also, if you pull your gun and shoot him in the back ‘after’ he gets your money and is walking away, you will face charges. Even if you beat them, you’re still facing a lot of legal fees so who wins? And here is another thing to think about, we’re hundreds of teachers short of what we need in the classroom and the legislature says there is just no money to hire more. Sure, would like to be a fly on the wall when the state Chamber tries to sell a company on moving to Oklahoma: “Beautiful country, terrific people, a few problems with public education but your people can all carry a gun, provided they don’t have a record.”
But the horse is out of the barn and the only ‘fix’ is a legislature and a governor with the courage to stare down the NRA and say NO! Enough with the guns already. That won’t happen but wouldn’t it be something if we all could live with a little less fear?
I’m Sam Jones and that’s my perspective.