Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective -Intelligence in Politics
Hello I’m Sam Jones. What’s happened to intelligence in politics? You know there was a time when most folks actually looked up to politicians. Oh we laughed at em from time to time, but we all do and say silly things. In fact, while I’m not in politics I manage to be a source of humor from time to time. No, I’m talking about the folks who run the country. Many of them are known for a great sense of humor but as a general rule, those are people who are well educated. Bob Dole was one of those who could poke fun at himself and those around him and we knew that in spite of what he said, he never resorted to meanness. We have a whole generation out there wallowing in the belief that “Got ya” politics is the norm in our Republic.
Some guy running for office said just the other day that he wanted to walk all over the face of his opponent with track shoes. A week or so ago, one political wanna be, challenged his opponent to a shoot-out at a local gun range because that guy was from New York and he wanted to see if he really knew how to use a gun. The guy he challenged responded with humor saying, “We’re not running for sniper, we’re running for office.”
But here comes Markwane Mullin. His little ‘do da’ came after Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti challenged Donald Trump Jr., who doesn’t seem to pay a lot in taxes, to a mixed martial arts match. Said it could benefit charity. Along comes Mullin saying Avenatti should pick on someone his own size and he challenged Avenatti to a match in the ring. What ever happened to the old fashioned debate? Granted Avenatti is probably looking for publicity, but what about Mullin?
We’ve invited Mullin to sit down with me on this show to talk but the response is, he’s just too busy, and chances are he really is. Avenatti doesn’t interest me since he’s not an office holder. The men and women in politics who interest me are the ones who are elected, and I don’t care what party they are from. Guess I’ll just have to be content with drawing humor from their results.
Back in 1931 Will Rogers said something that holds true today, and I quote, “This would be a great time in the world for some man to come along that knew something.”
Man, is that ever true today.
And that’s my perspective.