Perspectives: Sam’s Perspective – Texas

I’m Sam Jones.

This is an update of happenings since we last talked. There has been so much humor in the news this year. In fact, its been downright inspirational. Some of it took place here,… in Oklahoma. Representative Kevin Calvey, during debate on a proposed pay raise for appellate court judges said, If he were not a Christian, he would go to the state Supreme Court building, douse himself in gasoline and set himself on fire to “protest the evil in that building.” But there’s more.

Following the state Supreme Court’s decision that the Ten Commandments monument on the state Capitol grounds, violates the state constitution, some members of the legislature started talking about impeaching members of the state’s high court. Indicating they’ve never read the state’s constitution. Oh I know, Texas had a similar situation and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled it was a legitimate memorial to the foundations of law, but it appears the framers of Oklahoma’s document used tighter wording than the U.S. Constitution and if the Oklahoma City bunch changes the state constitution chances are it can open the door for a monument to Satan,… and so it goes.

Another bit of political humor popped up courtsey of Mother Nature and our own U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe. What brought us national attention this time was his use of a snowball on the floor of the Senate that he said, with a straight face, proves his position on global warming. Want more humor? Without explanation,…. the GOP race for the White House,… and Donald Trump.

But I come before you at this hour not to laugh, rather to explain the worry lines in my face. My solemn concern is for the folks across the Red River,… in the great state of Texas. Specifically war games launched mid- August in Texas and six other states. Oklahoma is not one of them. There seems to be a general feeling in Texas that these so called war games are just a cover so that the Obama administration can move in, declare martial law and confiscate guns, beer and pictures of Neil Young and Walker Texas Ranger. That fear has been generated for months by conservative bloggrs and Internet postings so,… there must be something to it. After all, everybody knows if it’s on the Internet, it’s the God’s truth. In fact, the Governor of Texas ordered the State Guard to monitor the war games officially named Jade Helm 15. Additionally at least one national group of unofficial monitors and protesters calling itself ‘Counter Jade Helm’ is following army vehicles and posting their locations on its website. Yes sir, we got trouble in the Lone Star State. But just how far does this dark shadow extend?

My concern is for Six Flags over Texas. We know some Texans are burying guns and ammunition for safe keeping. But what’s being done to protect Micky, Snow White, Goofey and Donald,… Duck not Trump? It’s a well known fact, cause this reporter read it on the Internet, that the Obama administration doesn’t like animals that talk, women who sleep too much or dwarfs. How will the children of America react when the stars of Six Flags are led off in chains by Navy Seals to some secret location? Are there enough mental health councilors available to handle our troubled youth? Now there’s talk, some in Oklahoma want to get involved. If they do, Texas will need a place to store all those snowballs.

I worry about these things you know,… cause there’s so much truth involved. We may have to let other states worry about cuts to education, hungry children, bad roads and bridges. We got to help our neighbors. Remember the Alamo.

That’s my perspective