What is the Signal Society?
This is a new program that allows our viewers to support us with a recurring monthly gift of at least 10 dollars. The amount is automatically and securely drafted from your credit or debit card, or your bank account.
Why is this important?
By having a more predictable source of income over the year, we will be able to plan the programming more effectively. That means spending less time and money fundraising on and off the air. When we reach our goal of 300 Signal Society members, we’ll be able to eliminate one entire pledge drive a year! Wouldn’t that be awesome?
The Signal Society provides a way to make your support of RSU Public Television even more convenient and cost effective.
Why Should I become a Signal Society Member?
By joining us, you can take viewers to fascinating destinations, encourage high school students to excel academically, shed light in current events, and bring world class entertainment to your friends and neighbors throughout northeastern Oklahoma! In short, if you enjoy the programming RSU Public TV offers, then you should join the Signal Society and support the programs you love!
In addition to that, when you join the Signal Society, you’ll receive an RSU TV etched coffee mug.
If you give $20 a month, not only will you receive the mug, but you’ll join us for an exclusive tour of the station.
Or at a $50 per month level, you’ll be a part of a round-table luncheon with General Manager Royals Aills and other station staff!
Join today! Call us at 1-800-823-7210 or join right here, right now!
Click below and be sure to select the Signal Society under the ‘What Type of Donation’ section!
Join today!